Our VOS Staff

Call us today (866) 277-3851
Text us today (214) 571-7905

What differentiates us from other call centers is our Customer Service Representatives (CSRs).

CSR’s go through rigorous training when hired. They must go through training videos and training programs on the computer – on both the software we use and customer service skills. Each week the CSR’s must update their CSR skills by reviewing online tutorials and classes. We have weekly meetings with each CSR to go over any items that have come up over the past week and to encourage them to be the best they can be. We have monthly training meetings where the staff does role modeling, learns about new customers and their companies and does enhanced training.

We record random calls and play them for the CSR’s so that they can hear how they sound and learn where improvements can be made. We also hold contests to motivate the CSR’s to do even better!

If you are looking for a little freedom from your phones so you can focus on what you do best, give us a call at (866) 277-3851.

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